Good Employer

Teamwork plays a central role at Linde MH. Our employees tackle their tasks together based on a groundwork of solidarity, mutual trust, and a strong sense of team spirit. They openly share their ideas so they can find the best solution for customers in every situation. Equality is a key aspect, as the company’s values are the foundation on which all employees enjoy fair and equal treatment. The company always pursues its activities as a business in accordance with ethical, sustainability, and compliance standards, which are based on the values of Linde MH and the KION Group.
The Group-wide HR principles are governed by regulations and include minimum standards for employment as well as guidelines for diversity. They also guide HR activities, such as the design of training and development programs, career opportunities, employee surveys, and employee share plans. The KION Group Code of Compliance provides the framework for legally compliant and ethical employee behavior.
The minimum standards that have been defined for the entire company group are based on the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization. These standards ensure freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. They prohibit forced or compulsory labor and child labor as well as discrimination in employment or occupation. They also represent the core human rights that KION is committed to respecting. Furthermore, the KION Group is committed to high standards of occupational health and safety worldwide as well as a level of remuneration that is in line with national industry standards and in any case ensures a living wage. As in previous years, no violations of the minimum employment standards were reported in 2023.
A Great Place to Work
As a top employer, Linde MH offers an exciting working environment, excellent international career opportunities, and attractive remuneration. Interesting projects, long-term prospects, strong team spirit, and a wide variety of development opportunities motivate employees to give their best day in, day out. Diversity also plays a key role here. At the same time, Linde MH knows that there is room for improvement, including when it comes to work-life balance.
Flexible Work Organization
The ability to work efficiently and flexibly from anywhere promotes a healthy work-life balance. There has been a works agreement on teleworking in place for German sites since 2012 and on mobile working since 2022. The regulations are very flexible in order to meet the different needs of employees as well as those of internal and external customers.
Mobile working at Linde MH is organized differently depending on country-specific requirements and regulations. Fenwick-Linde in France, for example, has a collective agreement on teleworking and a flexitime scheme with the option of taking half a day off per month. In addition, employees can access psychological support from an independent expert. People with disabilities get an extra day off and parents are entitled to leave when their children are ill. There are similar agreements in place in the UK, and these are set to be expanded in the future. Parents of children up to the age of eight and carers can apply for leave days under a collective agreement. During the summer vacation, the company offers funded childcare.
In Germany, all employees at the headquarters and the production site in Aschaffenburg-Nilkheim have the option of registering their children aged between 3 and 12 with the “Sommerkinder” (Summer Children) program during the Bavarian summer vacation. A varied program of activities, including field trips, is offered for the children throughout the vacation period from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and is supervised by educational professionals. The flexible booking options during the vacation make parents’ lives a lot easier and help them to balance their work and family life. The costs are borne by the former recreation allowance, so only the children’s meals need to be paid for by the parents themselves.
To support a healthy work-life balance, Linde MH Germany is committed to the following principles, among others:
- “We encourage part-time work.”
- “We offer flexible working hours.”
- “We prioritize family-friendly meeting times.”
- “We grant leave during school vacations.”
In addition, a co-creation office space planning concept with desk sharing was introduced at the central site in Aschaffenburg in the year under review. The aim of this concept is to create a modern working environment that meets the operational requirements for the space. These range from focused content development tasks to interdisciplinary idea-sharing sessions driven by inspiration and creativity. The aim is also for the office to become even more of a place where employees can socialize and learn from each other.
Compensation and Additional Benefits
The entire workforce is compensated fairly in line with market conditions and performance. Compensation is reviewed annually and adjusted as necessary to reflect individual performance and qualifications as well as potential changes in conditions. Linde MH compensation models vary depending on national labor market conditions and legislation.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
73% | 73% | 68% |
Collective agreements govern wages and salaries in many countries and for large parts of the workforce. Minimum wage requirements are observed in all cases. As many employees are highly qualified, however, remuneration is usually significantly higher than the prescribed level. Depending on local conditions, compensation may be supplemented with additional benefits, such pension, insurance, and healthcare plans.
The principle of equal pay for equal work applies, irrespective of gender. Equal pay is regularly assessed at Linde MH. For example, Linde Material Handling Schweiz AG has been awarded the Fair-ON-Pay+ certificate. The Fair-ON-Pay process uses the equal pay analysis tool Logib, which is recognized in Switzerland, to determine whether the current Swiss requirements for equal pay are being met. The results are supplemented with clear and meaningful evaluations and concrete recommendations for specific improvements.
Although Linde MH faces significant challenges, particularly due to the global procurement crisis, the company was able to implement an enhanced production program in the 2023 financial year thanks to the comprehensive measures it has taken to improve material supply and secure supply chains. In recognition of employees’ hard work and commitment, the company currently offers a monthly voucher and a performance bonus in addition to the regular salary.
Psychological Support
In times of significant social upheaval, personal and professional problems can also multiply. These are increasingly being reflected in the workplace, but can rarely be solved there. The issues range from excessive debt, personal stress, grief, and addiction on the one hand to burnout, mental underload, professional conflicts, and a loss of work-life balance on the other.
The Employee Assistance Program offers all employees in Germany professional help in almost all circumstances by telephone, online, and in person. This service is available in various languages, around the clock, and 365 days a year, and all employees can use it anonymously without the company being informed. Linde MH covers the costs of the advisory service.
In addition, a “Stressless” toolbox comprising various measures was created in the year under review to support employees in their everyday lives. Including everything from information on what causes stress and guidance on how to reduce it to extensive seminar and advisory services, these measures help employees to approach their duties with a cooler head, to find resources they can draw on, and to reduce stress. Managers are also supported in this area: An external service provider held a series of informative presentations for executives in 2023 with the aim of improving their health knowledge so that they can recognize early warning signs in their colleagues and act accordingly as well as supporting them in reducing mental stress. A crucial aspect is focusing the conversation on employees as an important part of the company to ensure successful collaboration in all matters and to protect employee health.
Employees usually receive feedback on their work primarily from their supervisor. However, 360° feedback at Linde MH also includes the perspective of colleagues and—in the case of executives—their employees by involving these individuals in a structured process as feedback providers.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
86% | 85% | 87% |
Constructive Collaboration
The Linde MH management and works council meet regularly to discuss day-to-day matters. The European Works Council, which represents the interests of the workforce across the EU on cross-country issues, holds regular meetings with the KION Group Executive Board. The aim of these meetings is to establish a cooperative relationship with trade unions and those representing the interests of employees.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
56% | 59% | 52% |
In addition, as a further transparency measure by Linde MH, “campfire” meetings take place every six months. These meetings provide a confidential, protected space where employees can ask questions, express opinions, and also raise concerns to a member of the management.
The KION Group also conducts the KION Pulse global employee survey once a year. Overall, 80% of all employees took the opportunity to provide their feedback in 2023. The results help the company to ensure that it is taking the right action to further improve employee engagement and motivation, which in turn ensures sustainable growth for the Group.
Training and Further Development
Employee development is a top priority in Linde MH’s HR strategy. Group companies cooperate closely on talent management matters and on training and development programs. The Organization Capability Talent Review (OCTR) process supports this goal. OCTR is an integrated process of performance, talent, and succession management that supports all employees throughout the company.
The identification and development of talent and succession planning enables the Group to offer employees more opportunities for further development. The development programs cover all employment groups and include everyone from talented junior staff to experienced executives.
Numerous courses on methodologies, foreign languages, and specialist topics are offered as part of these programs, and are designed to help employees quickly and efficiently adapt to new requirements. Linde MH is also preparing to roll out Workday’s new training functionalities. The online tool will give all employees access to courses, videos, and files, as well as their own learning history, and will allow them to suggest new topics.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
98% | 100% | 100% |
Diversity, equality, and inclusion are an integral part of HR work at Linde MH. Everyone deserves the same opportunities to realize their potential and grow professionally. It is important to respect the dignity of all people and to value employees regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnic or religious affiliation, age, cultural background, or other characteristics. Rules and guidelines have therefore been established that make it clear that discrimination, bullying, and harassment have no place in the company. Misconduct is always sanctioned, like any other violation of the KION Group Code of Compliance. This approach is in step with the values of “courage,” “integrity,” and “collaboration,” which are crucial to ethical action in the entire company group.
Anyone who experiences or observes discrimination, bullying, or harassment is encouraged to contact the Linde MH Compliance Committee. This independent body receives and investigates reports and provides support and assistance to anyone affected. Its main aim is to create a “speak-up culture” for all employees, leaving no room for discrimination. All employees are encouraged to report incidents and stand up for each other.
The Compliance Committee supports and advises employees concerned throughout the processing and investigation of the report as well as after this process has been completed (for example, by arranging psychological support). The committee maintains regular communication with the HR department throughout the process. It recommends disciplinary measures where necessary and coordinates communication and any training measures. This topic is also addressed during annual mandatory compliance training on respect in the workplace and measures combating discrimination and harassment.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
The elected works council is also available to support those affected or to help them assert their rights. Of course, the official KION Group reporting channels are also available to all employees. These include the anonymous whistleblowing hotline.
Linde MH employees came together in Aschaffenburg during a day of action to form a human chain as a symbol of respectful cooperation in everyday working life. They also signed a truck from the yard fleet that had been painted with the word “respect” as part of the event—and this truck has been visibly present at the plant ever since.
Awareness Month
As a cross-functional committee at the KION Group made up of executives from all Group companies, the remit of the Diversity & Inclusion Council is to define, implement, and review the success of sustainable measures aimed at promoting diversity, inclusion, and equality. One of its first measures is Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Awareness Month. Throughout this month, the main focus is on celebrating differences, creating an inclusive and respectful workplace culture, and supporting justice and fairness for all. All employees are invited to get involved and to learn more about the topic—whether that is by attending the keynote presentations rolled out worldwide or by participating in one of the many local activities organized—or even by arranging an activity themselves. All participants are also encouraged to share their experiences and ideas with their colleagues on social media using the hashtag #KIONisdiverse.
Various activities took place as part of the awareness month in June 2023 at Linde MH in the Aschaffenburg plant and at the KION Group head office in Frankfurt. For example, apples engraved with the D&I logo were given out with an invitation to attend a “blind date.” The aim of the blind date was to give all employees the opportunity to speak to colleagues they had never met before during their breakfast or lunch break. Initiatives like these are welcome as they encourage more openness and diversity in the company.
Increasing the Proportion of Women
Linde MH, just like the rest of the KION Group, aims to increase the proportion of women in the company. To that end, a new social media campaign aimed specifically at women was launched in 2022. The campaign aimed to increase interest in technical professions among women and raise awareness of the importance of gender diversity in this field.
In addition, the Female Mentoring Program—a platform that fosters a mutual exchange of knowledge and experiences—provides targeted support throughout the Group for colleagues who are in management positions or are planning to take on a management role in the near future. The individual advice and caring support that mentees get from their mentors enables them to gain new insights and to develop on both a personal and professional level.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
18% | 17% | 17% |
Everyone should have the opportunity to realize their potential at work. That is why Linde MH is constantly striving to create an accessible working environment. The internal representative body for employees with disabilities represents the interests of severely disabled employees vis-à-vis the employer and provides them with support and advice. It ensures that the applicable regulations for severely disabled people are met and applies for appropriate measures from the responsible internal or external bodies. The body also receives suggestions and complaints and works to resolve them within the company.
For example, it makes sure that the recruitment process is barrier-free and examines how individual positions can be adapted to specific needs. In addition, processes have been put in place to ensure continued employment in the event of constraints and to facilitate reintegration into the workplace.
In France, for instance, Fenwick-Linde has been promoting the employment of people with disabilities for 12 years. In addition, where possible, contracts are also awarded to organizations that operate sheltered workshops. Guidance on working with people with disabilities has now also been drawn up with the aim of combating stereotypes and raising awareness among managers.
Human Rights
The KION Group introduced its International Minimum Employment Standards (MES) Policy in 2014. Among other things, these minimum standards ensure that universally recognized human rights and the ILO (International Labour Organization) Core Labor Standards inform all our employment relationships. We must scrutinize our own actions, identify potential risks for employees, and monitor compliance with the defined standards. These checks are carried out in various ways, including the review of personal data and requested information, interviews conducted as part of audits by the Internal Audit department, and the review of reports made to KION Compliance, in particular via the whistleblowing hotline. All employees and individuals both inside and outside the company are encouraged to report any issues relating to compliance or violations of the compliance system, including child labor, slavery, and human trafficking.
Linde MH always checks the age of applicants before they are hired by obtaining their social security number and thus their age. To protect young employees, Linde MH has appropriate training and occupational health and safety departments.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Independent auditors review the sustainability report and data at the KION Group level every year. They also carry out site visits—attending different sites every year—to ensure that the data is correct and that all the rules are being followed. Every single site conducted a human rights review in 2022.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
0 | 0 | 0 |